March 1, 2016


I was excited to see how my African Cichlid community was doing this morning. The tank looks really beautiful. I definitely need to add some more Cichlids. It's looking a little empty - until I walk up to the tank. Then all my Cichlids come rushing out of their hiding spots looking for food.

I knew there would be some agression issues because over the last month I have been noticing a slightly smaller male challenging Bubba for his title of dominant male of the community. So moving them into a new home where they would start on even footing I figured there would be some displays of aggression.

I must say the younger fellow (now known as Rambo) got a few good knocks in but it's clear that he has stepped back and is allowing Bubba to continue as King. Both males have scales missing, clear bite marks and seem to have withdrawn to their chosen corners for the time being. I'm hoping this will settle now that Bubba has re-established his dominance. Bubba is still displaying his bright colours while Rambo is quite dark now.