March 16, 2016


This has been a busy day. I began by going to an appointment. I didn't get back until just before noon. I did my water change in my 60 gallon tank still having issues with my nitrite levels. Today my nitrite level was "0"!  After a water change I love to watch my Cichlids. They act energized and are very bright in colour. Often there is some aggression and breeding following a water change. To encourage breeding I replace the water with water that is a degree or two cooler. This seems to promote breeding in my tank.
This is my poor fish with no tail.

As I was being entertained by the Cichlid's antics I noticed one being chased mercilessly. I've seen this one hang out at the back often hiding under my hang-on-tank filters. Today I realized his tail is gone. Gone completely. Chewed off. It took me a bit to catch him but I got him. Then I wasn't sure where to put him.  All my tanks are being used. I have a grow-out tank full of fry that are about 2 months old - the fry are a good 1". I decided I'd put him in with them. I don't think he's thinking much about hurting anything and the fry just seem curious. I don't know if he'll regrow his tail or if it's a lost cause. I just want to give him a chance to heal.

Tiger Oscar still looking a little sore
Next I moved my paired of Convicts to their own 20 gallon tank so they can breed in peace. I moved the smaller Convict that was a little beaten up back to his community. Everything looks good and peaceful now. The two larger Convicts were harassing my Tiger Oscar even though he's quite a bit bigger than they are.

After the move was done and I finished up with the tank, I fed them. Not sure why, but my Tiger Oscar ate well and looked ok except for a few minor bite marks and then he started puking.. I mean heaving. I've never seen that before. The Green Terrors and Jack Dempseys seemed to appreciate it. I'll keep an eye on him to make sure it's nothing serious.

A day in the life of a Cichlid aquarist.....

Juvenile Jack Dempsey

Juvenile Green Terror

Juvenile Red Devil