March 24, 2016


This is one of my African Cichlds, a Red Top Zebra whom I affectionately call Bubba. He has made it clear that he is the boss of my 75 gallon mixed African Cichlid community. It's gotten so bad that he is commanding half of the tank. He doesn't attack all he has to do is dart towards others and *poof* they are gone!

Bubba my RedTop Zebra Mbuna's time out!
I am cycling my 55 gallon tank while I decide what to put in it, but for now it's empty except for a bristle nose catfish and a pleco. Yesterday I moved Bubba over there. He's in a time out if you like. This will give the other fish in the community some peace and there will be a shift in the hierarchy within the next few days. Once that has happened Bubba will be displaced and hopefully a little calmer. At this point he will be able to return to his community.  In the
community his colours are so bright and red striped but now alone he is dark red/brown and his stripes are barely visible. It's amazing how their colours indicate their mood and aggression levels.

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