March 28, 2016


Usually when removing a fish, whether they are sick or holding it's much easier to catch them with the rocks and decor removed. It seems like a lot of work but I believe it's good to rearrange the aqua-scape just to keep things interesting for the fish. However, if I know there are breeding places dug out, or I'm letting a female spit naturally I do not disturb the scape because I want to avoid causing my fish any stress.

This is a newly arranged scape. I rearranged the decor and rocks after I removed "Bubba" my tank boss. He will be returning to the community today after I complete my water change in this tank. I"m hoping 5 days away has given him time to calm down. If not I will have to consider trading him or re-homing him as he's just not a good fit for my community. I'm leaving it all up to him.

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