March 7, 2016


In my South American Cichlid tank I had 3 Blood Parrots. I'm not sure why I got them. I'm not a big fan of them.  They are a hybrid created in Taiwan sometime in the mid 80's.

I guess when I got them I thought they looked interesting. Watching them swim and struggle to eat I began to feel sorry for them. They got along well with the other fish in my tank - that was no problem. I just read more about them and learned how they came into being.

These fish look strange but may be it's because they have a few anatomical deformities. Their mouths are shaped like a little beak, some have a funny swim among other deformities. They are not easy to breed because often the males are sterile. They can be bred with Convicts and then they are called Jelly Beans. Not kidding. The females lay their eggs but when they aren't fertilized they get eaten.

I put an add in Kijiji and had quite a few calls for them. It was not hard to find
people who really like them. I traded them for a bunch of African Cichlids. Now I have some room for a couple more fish in my South American tank. I'm looking at Green Terrors or something like that. I  have an Oscar, 2 Convicts, 2 Firemouths, and 2 Angel Fish. They are in a 55 gallon tank so I have room to introduce a couple more suitable tank mates to them.