March 3, 2016


Last night after supper I was watching my African Cichlid community in their new digs. They are looking quite happy. So happy in fact that my pair of M. Auratus are breeding again after only being in their new home less than 24 hours. How awesome is that?

They are showing interest in breeding but just going through the motions in this video. I hope I'll catch the actual breeding event but this is a peek at what the mating dance is like.

I am disappointed in one aspect of the new tank. I had it given to me by a friend who had a saltwater coral reef setup in there. Once I had it cleaned and ready, setup and fish in.. I noticed the front of the tank is full of tiny scratches. I didn't notice before but since the back is painted black they have really popped out and are so noticeable. It drives me crazy!! I'm going to have to replace it soon or I'll have to be committed. That's what happens with perfectionists. Little things like this drive us nuts. Hubby made me the stand and I have everything else so it's just a matter of buying a new tank. That's probably the most inexpensive part of all but with buying a new tank comes all the work involved. To my mind it will be worth it.

I do have another purpose for this tank so it won't go to waste. It will hold my pond fish over the winter months. They are quickly outgrowing the tank they are in right now. By next fall, they will need the room anyway so I would have had to do something to accommodate them.