March 4, 2016


I moved my African Cichlid community to my 60 gallon aquarium leaving my 55 gallon tank empty. Time to move my South American group to a larger tank. They have been in a 40 gallon tank for quite sometime without any problems but with my 55 sitting empty it was time to give them more.

I emptied the tank, substrate and all. I used pool filter silica sand. It's really pretty, a little coarser than Cichlid sand - so my filters don't suck it up and start grinding. After having it filled and ready I let it acclimate for a few hours, did my water tests and waited for the temp to reach the appropriate level.

I began siphoning water from the 40 they were in. I had already removed all the decor, stones and plants setting them in the 55 they are moving into. These fish are much easier to catch than their African counterparts. I kept them in a pail, double checking the temperature and then set them free. They took to the new tank like a fish to water Ha! I watched them for a little as they explored their new home.  Later I went up to finish cleaning out the 40 and found a little yellow loach still in there that I had missed. I scooped him up and added him to the new tank as well then went back and finished with the tank. It won't be empty for long. My fry are growing and will soon need more room as well. It's like musical tanks around here.

After all that work I poured myself a coffee and sat down in front of the 55 to watch them as I relaxed. I have 3 parrot fish that I really want to trade or sell, 2 convicts, 2 fire mouth, 2 angels and a tiger Oscar. I also have 2 plecos and a bristle nosed catfish, plus the little yellow loach in this tank. I'm watching them and can't find the oscar. Looking for him I found him hiding behind some driftwood. Looking closer I could see a tail fin sticking out of his mouth. EEK! He ate the loach. Poor little guy. Guess I'm not overfeeding them eh? I really wish I would have gotten a picture of his face.. it was actually pretty funny.