March 22, 2016


With all the aquariums I have water testing can take me a long time. I have enough test tubes to do 4 at a time but it's a pain with the tubes and not tipping them over or worse breaking one.

Thinking about this I decided to make myself a remedy for just that problem. I made a Cichlid Water Testing Board. It's wonderful and a little quirky too I suppose. We had some hardwood floor boards left over from when we redid our family room. The piece I chose was perfect. 18" a good size for what I had in mind. I measure off the length and then marked where I was going to drill the holes. Once the holes were done I lightly sanded them using a pencil wrapped piece of sand paper. That was it.

I have a wood burning kit so I thought I would decorate it a little just to make it special. I'm not finished with it yet but I am using it and it's awesome. I can test 3 of my aquariums at one time - no spills, toppled tubes or broken tubes.

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