March 10, 2016



This is my 60 gallon African Cichlid community. In this tank there are just under 50 Cichlids. I will have to make some changes as I have three different broods of fry in grow-out tanks. I plan on selling off some of my larger Cichlids as I plan on introducing some of my fry when they are big enough. Right now I have everything from 1" - 6" Cichlids in this community. I do not have an aggression problem. I do have a hierarchy that the fish know even better then I do. Bubba my tank Ruler is pretty docile as long as everyone tows the line. 

You can see the base I have my aquarium on. My hubby structurally re-enforced it using 2x4's. Under the tank is a 3/4" plywood board. The top of the mantle measures 44"x15" and the plywood measures slightly larger 49"x19" leaving about a 3" overhang. It's good and sturdy and have no worries of it not being strong enough.  

My 55 gallon American Cichlid aquarium is home to 13 Cichlids. The tank is on a stand that I purchased with the aquarium as a set. It has been specifically designed to hold the weight and size but honestly I feel more secure in the one my hubby built me than the purchased one. These are my two large tanks.   

I have, in my sewing/fish room a 40, 30 and 20 gallon fry grow-out tanks. I also have 2 - 10 gallon tanks I use as brooding and isolation tanks. Finally in the basement I have 60 gallon tank that is home to my pond fish. They only spend the winters in it and it's not on display. It's just an old scratched up tank that a friend gave me that serves it's purpose.