March 12, 2016


Today was a good day. My nitrite test is still not right. I have done 20% water changes everyday this week and it hasn't changed at all. The ammonia test was too high as well but within a day it was back to normal. I couldn't understand why the nitrite test was giving me so much trouble. I used Seachem Safe to neutralize the nitrite and ammonia.

I went online and did some digging. There really wasn't much more I could do than what I had been doing. Then I came across an article that said these levels can be neutralized and still show up on your test as high because they are still in the water just not harmful anymore. I don't know if that is true or not as I didn't find it again anywhere else.

Watching my Cichlids today I am pretty sure the water parameters are to their liking as my M. Auratus pair were mating today. I also noticed a couple other pairs doing mating dances, shivering and shaking it for all they are worth. I think the best witness to what's really going on with the water, tank and it's harmony is clearly demonstrated by how the fish are acting. Mine are looking pretty frisky right now. That in itself gives me a sense of relief.