March 23, 2016


This morning I was anxious to check on my babies bouncing around in the tumbler I made. When I looked YIKES! at least half of them were missing. I'm so disappointed in myself. I didn't secure the bottom below their bouncing mesh tight enough and my a Zebra Fry got in there. I caught him/her red handed! I watched as that little sh** wiggle his way back out. He was eating the babies right through their mesh. I could just cry. I only have about a dozen left now. They may not survive the trauma of watching their siblings get eaten. I know I wouldn't!

This week has been a traumatic week for me all around and it's only half done. I better stay off the roads! From my test being high, to giving my South American Cichlids away, to my 40 gallon tank leaking and flooding the main floor of our home to my newest fry getting eaten and then the lights now working in the living room - things surely can't get any worse. I just knocked that whole "Bad things come in threes" saying out of the park. Unless the count has a reset and I'm going for a second run.

I talked to the fellow I gave my SA Cichlids to; he's happy and they are doing great so that made me feel at peace. This is a photo of my "empty" 55 gallon tank.

The 40 gallon tank needs to be stripped and re-sealed. I have had such helpful suggestion from the Cichlid group I joined that I'm feeling better about that too. My babies getting eaten is still hanging over me.. so sad. The light breaker just tripped so it was a quick fix. I guess I shouldn't complain there are worse things that could have happened. I'm not even going to go there.

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