March 16, 2016


In my American Cichlid tank I have 4 convicts. 2 I raised from babies and now I can see they are both male. The other two I purchased as juveniles and wasn't quite sure what they were at that point. Three months later I can tell. I have 3 males and 1 female. (bad ratio). One of my smaller males was being attacked and looked pretty war-warn. I moved him into my 20gl isolation tank. He's looking better every day I'm happy to report.

Watching them this morning it's clear that the two larger convicts have paired off. The other smaller male is a good hider so he's fine so far. I have decided today, I'm going to move the paired off couple into the 20gl so they can do their thing and I'll return the two young males back to their community. I won't put the breeding pair back into the community so I'm I'll either, sell, trade, or give them away. First I will let them have a brood. I have't had convicts breed for me yet so I'm looking forward to this experience.