March 25, 2016


Yesterday off and on during the day we had disruption in our electrical service. By 5pm our power was off. We were in the midst of a nasty ice storm here in South-Western Ontario.  Many communities in our area were without hydro. This storm left many of us without electricity for hours.

Our hydro went off at 5pm. Not expecting it to last long we got settled with candles and extra blankets. After an hour I started to worry as my aquarium pumps and filters were down as well. The time was passing, the temperature in our home was dropping and my aquariums remained silent. I kept checking the temperature of my tanks and they were steadily dropping. Finally finding it too cold to stay up hubby and I went up to crawl into bed to get warm. The temp in our home was down to 15° Celsius. To figure out Fahrenheit just take the °C temp of 15 + 15 = 30 + 32 for a temp of 62°F. It was getting chilly. We checked the Hydro service provider to see when we could expect it to be back on. We were not reassured as it said "under investigation" meaning they hadn't even determined the source in our area.

We were up talking well passed midnight - hubby falling asleep leaving me up worrying about my cichlids. I went to check on the a number of times through the night always finding the tank temp lower then the time before. I was awake all night worrying fearing they wouldn't survive. Our cell phones were dead so I couldn't call anyone for advice, or go online to ask at the forums that I frequent.

Having not slept all night I stayed in bed and finally fell asleep. Hubby thought he'd run to the Mini Mart and get us coffees but they weren't open. With the power out still at noon, we had to leave the house for an Easter dinner with my son and family who lived in a city out of the storm area. We charged our phones as soon as we got there and began checking on the service.

Finally mid-afternoon we heard our electric service was restored. When we left our home the house was down to 10°C and my tanks were below 60°F. I began to feel better once I knew the power was restored but I knew it would be a long time for the temperature to rise.

I didn't feed the Cichlids as they were hardly moving in the bitter cold water. Conserving their energy and the oxygen they moved very little. When we got home early evening the house temp was back up to normal but the aquariums were still very cold. They were all still well below 70 but on the rise. I am so thankful and relieved to report that my Cichlids did great and are doing well considering what they were through. I did suffer a loss. I had stripped two female Auratus earlier in the week and lost all their in my tumbler. I consider this a minor loss compared to what could have been devastating.

We have suffered 4 major power outages in the last 2 years. Two of them being for 4 days at a time and of course during the coldest months of the year. We have discussed purchasing a generator from time to time but have never gone out to buy one.. well a generator is our next large purchase.

This was not such a Good Friday!

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