March 22, 2016


This morning when my hubby answered the call of the "bladder" I heard him swear!! Jumping out of bed I knew something was wrong. My 40 gallon grow-out tank was 2/3's empty.. OH CRAP!

We found the tank water in the dining room, on the table, all over my laptop, the cordless phone, my Persian carpet, the hardwood floor, my bar stools not to mention the bubbles in the ceiling and the water rings around the pot lights! Hubby got working in the dinning room while I worked on saving my fry and switching tanks.

What a terrible, nasty way to wake up.  We got things cleaned up as good as it was going to get at 4am and both climbed back into bed just before the alarm came on.

Moral of this event... take careful consideration when purchasing a used tank. It's not the previous owners fault in anyway. I need to mention that. I've had that tank up and running for months without a problem. Just a little peeved and needed to vent.

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