March 14, 2016


Watching my 3 fry tanks full of lovely young Cichlids I begin to wonder what I'm going to do with them all. I plan on introducing them to my community as they get big enough. Once they are I'll begin choosing some of my larger females and sell them. Eventually my display tank will hold males only - that's the plan.

Checking in on my American Cichlids I noticed one of my Black Convicts isn't looking too good. He's a little frayed and sticks to hiding spots. Someone is beating on him. My mom that just spit a few days ago is still recuperating but I needed her tank to isolate this Convict so I moved her back into her community. She's in great health and was so happy to be back , she was flying around the tank with Bubba in tow. Between them there's a really love for each other.

I moved the Convict into the isolation tank and added API Melafix. It's only been about 16 hours and he's all ready looking better. He's not eating but he's moving around and I can see him watching me when I sit by his tank. Convicts have great expression in their eyes. I think he's going to be okay.