I have 3 brooding tanks on the go right now. Two are small 10 gallon tanks. One is for brooding moms - where Stella is holding coming up on two weeks now. Her pouch isn't quite as large or full as her last brood which is a good thing. Her last brood was 69, 67 are doing great just lost 2.
The other 10 gallon tank has the brood from my two M. Auratus. It was both of their first broods. Between them I have 17 healthy fry. I had kept them in a floating fry pen in my 20 gallon tank with my 6 week old fry. Yesterday when I did their water change I set up the 10 gallon for the new batch and released them. They are so pretty and little but doing quite well. When I feed them I sit and watch and watch. It is really amazing how quickly they grow. Ah.. the joy of parenting!