My 60 gallon long (excuse the reflection) |
Today I am setting up my new tank. I'm moving my community from their present home 60 gallon long into a brand new 75 gallon. I'm excited and can't wait to get started. I'm waiting for the pool filter silica sand to arrive at the hardware store. It's on it way they told me. Should be here in an hour. Then the big job of washing the sand starts.
I also ran down to the town restaurant and picked up another 4-5 gallon pails. I want to vent the Cichlids that are big enough, and then I'll need the pails to hold the fish while I do the turn-over. I also stopped and a farm outside of town and picked up a few more rocks. I got some really nice ones. They'll look great, lots of colour - until the algae covers them.
The 60 gallon looks bigger from this angle. It's so narrow. I'm looking forward to the added depth. I also much prefer the height of the 75 as well. I find the 24" of the 60 gallon makes it hard for me to reach to the bottom. My entire new setup will be way better. Can't wait to post the finished product!