March 10, 2016


Day3 - before the test begins

This morning up early again and having my coffee as I write this update. Today I do another water change and then test the water again. The first test that failed was the ammonia test. Thanks to SAFE by Seachem the ammonia level is perfect after one use. The other fail was my nitrite test. It's slowly lowering but I know these levels take time to build up which in turn suggests that they will also need time to level out properly again. The problem is I'm not a very patient person. 

I picked up my new tank last night. I'm going to be painting the back flat black, clean it out good and then move my bad testing tank over to the new one. The tests were in now way connected to the purchase of a new tank. That's just silly. The 60 gallon tank my Cichlid community is in right now was given to me. Until I had it set up and running I didn't noticed how terribly scratched the front of the glass was. I thought I would be able to put up with it but nope! It's driving me crazy! - hence the new tank.