March 8, 2016


I had a busy day of changing water in 4 of my tanks. I began with my fry tank as it was going to be the most work because I was not only changing their water but moving them to a bigger tank. First I scooped out most of the water pouring it directly into the larger grow-out tank where they will stay now until they are either sold or traded. I moved their decor and set it up much the same as how it was in the other tank. They are going from a 20 gallon to a 40. There are 67x1" fry in this group so they are outgrowing their tank quickly. Once the tank was ready, it was catch time. What a crazy job that can be. I netted a few at a time, counting as I moved them. Yup 67 healthy fry + a bristle nose catfish as their custodian.

Next I took a gallon out of my tiny fry's tank and freshened it up a bit. This tank is perfect for them and they will be able to stay here until grown. It's a 10 gallon tank but there are only 17 tiny fry so they will have room to grow.

My 55 was next where my South American Cichlids reside. I love this tank. The fish are happy and get along really well. It's a peaceful tank to watch. I traded my three Parrot fish for African Cichlids leaving me room for a couple more South American Cichlids. I'm thinking I'd like to get a couple Green Terrors. I'll have to look and see what would be the best fit. I have 8 fish in this tank right now. A couple more will round it out nicely.

Finally my 60 was left. I really believe the bigger the tank the less work a water change is. I siphoned off about 20% of the water, replaced the filters, treated the new water and filled it back up. Looks great and took maybe an hour.

It's always a good feeling when that's accomplished and you know your fish are in a happy and healthy environment. My water tests are done the next morning.