April 4, 2016


This morning I was enjoying watching my Cichlids over coffee before I got down to the business of doing my water changes. I always start with my 75 gallon aquarium. I know some people would think this is so much work but it's truly a labour of love for me. It's a feel good thing, knowing I am giving my Cichlids a beautiful healthy environment to live in and in return I get the pleasure of their interesting antics, personalities, beautiful colours and even their squabbles can be entertaining.

Following that I did my 55 gallon tank. I have a new group of juveniles that I purchased this passed weekend. Mostly young haps and peacocks. They have settled in well and look right at home. In fact they are so comfy there were a young pair of peacocks already clearly indicating that breeding is on their minds. Babies having babies..

After my water changes I do my water tests. All my water tests came out spot on.

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