I watched my Cichlid community for a long time last night. There was so much shivering and shaking going on it was weird. I did do a water change in the morning but it was long after that this behavior went on. I was watching my Yellow Labs breeding. Everytime they got in sync my male Auratus disturbed them. Then when they found a new corner and began again my blueberry OB tried fertilizing both of the Labs. It was very strange. After quite a while I turned their night light on and finally went to bed.
First thing this morning I fed my fry in my fish room. Checked on all of them and then went down to see how my adult Cichlids were doing. They looked good and my Yellow Lab was holding. I was so happy to see they were successful. I certainly hoped the Blueberry had nothing to do with it. I fed them and went to have my coffee.
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