April 7, 2016


Yesterday I was watching my juvenile Cichlid communtiy. All the Cichlids in that tank are 2" or less. That is except one. He is a RedxRed Albino male about 4". I acquired him recently and noticed he really didn't fit well into my community of African Cichlids. They picked on him pretty badly. His fins were getting shredded and his tail was chewed up. I decided I would see how he'd fit with my juveniles. What a difference. He's a totally different fish. He's digging
himself caves, chasing the little ones but not injuring any of them and he actually looks happy. I think this was the right move for him. He's healing. His fins are growing back as well as his chewed up tail. I'm happy I moved him. I do have to watch that he doesn't get aggressive but so far I consider him the gentle giant of the tank.

This morning I was up way too early. Before 5am actually. I went down made us coffee and said good morning to my Cichlids. I usually don't turn on their day lights until 8am so this was early for them as well. Big surprise they were hungry! HA! I fed them and sat with my coffee to enjoy the show. It's very peaceful early in the morning, nothing making noise but the undertones of the filter system softly humming in the background. The beginning of a nice day.

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