April 11, 2016


Jewel Cichlids are a little different than the 3-Lake Cichlids of Africa. Yes they do share that continent but, they are found in rivers and small lakes in west Africa.

This Cichlid is not a mouth brooder. They tend to be more aggressive during spawning exactly for that reason. They lay there eggs on a flat smooth surface and both parents fiercely protect them. They will pick them up in their mouth but not all at once and not the same way a mouth brooder protects their brood. They are not suitable for a community setting. When spawning they become very aggressive killing anything that threatens them or their young.

I came by this pair purely by accident. A friend was wanting fry and looking to get rid of this pair. Simple as that we swapped. I just happened to have a 20 gallon tank cycled and ready so that's where I put them. This type of Cichlid is new to me so I'm learning about them as I go. I'm fascinated and enchanted by them. They are the prettiest fish and are sure to capture my heart as all my Cichlids tend to do.

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