April 17, 2016


I belong to a couple different Cichlid communities on Face Book. Guelph and Area Aquatics Buy and Sell is one I frequent. It's a wonderful resource of Cichlid information, photos, discussions and of course many aquatic items for sale or trade including Cichlids.

This morning I made arrangements to trade some Cichlids. I had two Jewel Cichlids I was trying hard to find a home for this pair as they were not a good fit for any of my aquariums. Through FB I made arrangements to trade Cichlids including the Jewels for Cichlids I wanted. Because we lived a good hour apart we decided to meet at a common restaurant. Meeting this couple was really nice. We had so much to talk about within the hobby we share. I know we will work at trading again soon. We were both very happy with this trade. I aquired seven young juvenile OB Peacocks. They fit perfectly in with my juvenile Red Tops. The Cichlids I traded were all healthy and good looking as well.

We discussed our Cichlids setups and decided to visit each others homes. I'm hoping on going tomorrow. As we talked tanks came up in our conversation. There is another object we are going to make a trade on. I plan on taking my 60gl drilled tank and trading for a couple or three smaller tanks. I'm in need of fry, grow-out and a brooding tank or two. I'm hoping to work something out tomorrow.
All in all it's been a good day except for one thing....

My Yellow Lab, who was holding after all that effort, isn't holding anymore. She either swallowed her eggs or spit them out. I'm not too upset. It was her first time. I just hope she will be better the next time around.

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