April 26, 2016


Good grief.. my male Auratus is so mean! He is very abusive I'm ready to flush him down the toilet. There's a really nice "lagoon" just outside of town where he would end up and I'm sure he'd be just as happy there.
I put Earl and my two females into my breeding tank. I sold off the last of my Auratus fry so I thought I would hopefully get another brood or two from them. He's too busy pestering everyone else to pay his girls much attention in the community so having that in mind I moved them to more private accommodations.
Within hours he was shaking and showing off. He had one female holding in under 24 hours. That was two days ago. The other female he is chasing and pestering but she won't have anything to do with him. Being out all day I checked on her when I got home. Sheesh - her tail is almost gone!
I moved her into a playpen so she can heal and have some piece and Earl with be visiting the porcelain fish bowl down the hall. I am going to bed and will think about it. It seems so nasty of me but I have had it with that b****. Maybe I'll feel differently in the morning. Either way he will be leaving one way or another.

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