April 10, 2016


Over the last few days I have been having some concerns about the aggression between two of my male Zebra Cichlids. Bubba (the largest) was commanding about half of the tank as his, keeping the rest of the community in the other half of the tank. I took Bubba out of the community for just under a week so see if the hierarchy would shift so he would be replaced in the pecking order. Once he was returned to the community - after a fight or two I thought he was settling in but these two males were fighting over this imitation rock form as their domain. Scratches and knicks were evident on both fish but nothing I was too worried about. This morning it was worse. Bubba finally de-throned Rambo - leaving the poor guy with some serious injuries. These bites were past the scales and right to the flesh.

These fish are only doing what they do naturally. Trying to claim a territory. I decided to fix this problem. I removed the rock form so they didn't have that to fight over anymore. Once again I rescaped the tank during my water change. It's always interesting to watch how they accept a new setup. I have to give kudos to Bubba for being so determined. Within a few hours of settling into the new scape he's already established his territory and dug himself a lovely cave. With Rambo's injuries I don't think he's feeling up to much. He is very dark and displaying very submissive actions anytime Bubba swims by. It's truly fascinating to watch the drama unfold. Who'd a thunk? 

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