April 28, 2016


Having finally had my first "good" water test in a couple of long weeks - I got up feeling great. Things were looking up. It's amazing how it affects my mood, temperament and emotions when my fish are suffering. I can now say.. I'm happy. My fish look happy.

In fact this morning sitting over a cup of coffee watching my 75 gallon community I noticed one of my Yellow Labs was holding. "Was" is the operative word here. Within a couple hours she was no longer holding. This is the second time she's done that. The last time was her fist brood attempt and she didn't have a big mouthful so I forgave her. This time it was blatantly obvious she was holding a good size brood. I don't know if she spit or swallowed her babies but they are no longer being held. I was so disappointed I kept checking to see if I was looking at the wrong female. I only have 2fs and 1 male in the tank so I know I'm looking at the right Cichlid. She definitely lost them, not some either. She lost the whole bunch. I don't know what to do to help her. I hope she learns on her own. I have other females coming of age so I can switch her out if I really want a brood. It's just sad. Poor little eggs.

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