April 17, 2016


Sitting here having my coffee as I contemplate the coming water change I have noticed a few of my shyer fish tend to hang around the corner plant where my heater is. I don't think it's the heat they seek as much as their shyness. I'm decided to make a few changes and see what happens.

This morning I plan on doing my regular weekly 30% water change. While the water drains with my can't-live-without python syphon I'm  going to move things around. The scape itself is perfect. It looks good and the fish love it. But, there are oodles of tunnels and caves dug out that I'm going to refill for them. I will also move the heater from one side of the tank to the other. Or perhaps I'll afix it to the tank right in the center? Still thinking on that. I'm also going to move the plants around. I have three plants. One is a small leafed cover plant that can be grounded or float for cover so fish getting picked on have a little place to hide when/if needed. The other two are just decorative. I've thought about removing the plants all together so that's also a possibility.

Having all these things out and unplugged affords me a good time to do a deeper clean. I guess I best get to work.


Ha! I didn't do much... I moved the plants a little but everything is where it's easiest access so it doesn't make any sense to move them. I moved the rocks a little too and filled in all their dug outs. Give them something to do today. It's really cool watching them. Bubba is the first always.


Yup not much different but hey I did change the water!! And about 40% cause I was busy will the rocks and soon noticed it was lower than I usually do. I have HOB Marineland 400 filters and I only take the water down to the mid-point intake. Take keeps the filters running and adds lots of action to the water. Coupled with the splashing and replacing the water with water a degree or two lower encourages breeding. We'll see what happens.

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