April 28, 2016


This morning I decided to put Earl (my mean and nasty Auratus Male) back into my community tank. He's skating on thin ice though. If he injures one of my Cichlids it's "Good Bye Earl". I don't know why I even have him. He's been a misery to me from the start. I have two female Auratus. One is holding the other is tail-less thanks to Earl and his abuse. This will be Earl's last chance.

I was down in the basement looking at couple tanks I have sitting down there. I have a 60 gallon drilled tank and 2 - 40 gallon high tanks (I'm not a fan of high tanks). I have decided to bring one 40 gallon tank up and create a "Prison" tank. This tank will be dedicated to any aggressive, domineering, territorial males who harm any of my other Cichlids. Right now the only aggressive male that is giving me any trouble is Earl. I'll get that tank set up and he can be the first "inmate". Ha! Otherwise I have a very peaceful community. In fact Earl is pretty good until his females are back. That's mostly when he is the worst. For now he has some time while the girls are out of the tank. Hopefully he'll be good until I get the "Pen" set up.

The "Pen" as I shall call it will be very simple. I will find a few nice large rocks as statement pieces and use sand substrate and that's it. There will be no fun caves to hide in. No good places to dig. It will be the bare essentials just like in prison. Who knows - overtime it could end up being my best tank full of gorgeous nasty males. That is my plan.. I'm looking forward to setting it up now.

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