May 27, 2016


I have always done my water changes on Mondays. Today is Friday and I just finished with my three show tanks. Because of a poor water test I was doing testing and water changes every other day for a bit. My test are spot on now but somehow my water change day has changed. Not sure how that happened but I like it just as well.

I always did them all on Mondays. My three show tanks and my Little Fish Room tanks as well. I did my LFR on Monday so I think that's how it's going to work for a while. As long as my tests are good and I don't get thrown off my schedule that is.

When I did my Juvenile Cichlid community, I removed five fish. One is holding so she is now in a brooding tank and the other four I moved to my tank they go in between Juvenile and Adult communities. It's only a 40 gallon but it's a pefect lay-over for them. Before I can add any more to my adult community I'll either have to sell some or get a bigger tank. My 75 gallon adult community has 31 fish. The 40 gallon has 14 all under 3" and my Juvenile tank is a 55 and it's holding 32 and they are all under 2". I love seeing them grow and develop their colours as I move them through my progressive tank setup.

It's a good feeling for me as well as the Cichlids when they have a beautiful clean environment to call home.

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