May 26, 2016


While feeding my Cichlids this morning I was watching my fry in their grow-out tanks. I had 10 RedxRed Albino Zebra fry in with my largest fry. These fry are ready to go. The Albino fry are about the same age give-or-take at day. What I've been noticing is that the Albino fry are just not growing. This morning paying close attention I could see that they weren't getting their share of food. The RedTop Zebras in that tank are quite hoggish. I'm going to move them out over the weekend. I'd like to sell them but I have so many more that I may just drop them off at the local aquarium for a store credit.

In my next grow-out tank I also have Red Top Zebras. They are about 2 months old now. I moved the 10 Albino fry over there. There is an age difference but there is no size difference at all. Feeding I can see clearly that the Albinos will flourish here as they are right up top with the younger fry eating well.

Please forgive the photo - I know it's pretty blurry but you can see the Albinos by their colour. They never ate at the top like they are doing with the smaller fry. I'm happy I moved them. In the few days they have been over in that tank they have doubled in size. No kidding!

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