May 7, 2016


Many times throughout my day I stop and take a moment to just sit and enjoy my Cichlids. I never ceases to amaze me how soothing and calming it is just watching my Cichlids swim around interacting with each other. They are therapeutic in a sense. If I'm upset, or worried about something, or just feeling alone sitting and spending time relaxing and watching them brings me such a good, peaceful feeling. I'm not sure anyone who doesn't share this fascination or hobby can really understand what I'm trying to say.

I was out getting my pond in the yard cleaned up, washed out, stones reset, pump and waterfall running all so I could bring my fish back out. They have spent the last 4 months in my basement in an algae filled tank waiting for spring. My pond fish look wonderful and happy back where they belong. I'm so happy my pond is ready for summer. There are plants sprouting around the pond but until they mature it's looking a little bare. I have a few water plants in pots that are also needing to grow but that's the wonderful thing about spring. The joy of watching life return is tremendously satisfying.

Once my yard work was done I came in to sit for a bit with a cold drink in front of my 75gl African Cichlid community tank. As I'm watching I notice my Red Zebra is really working himself up for someone. Standing up and peering behind the rock where he was in a frenzy I see one of my yellow labs doing the mating dance with him. She now has her mouth full and can hardly close it around the eggs she's holding. This will be interesting. I have not had any success with my yellow labs breeding. They breed well but always spit or lose their brood a day or two later. I'll have to wait and see. If she's still holding at 10 days in then I will move her to a brooding tank. I'm really hoping she gets it right this time.

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