May 26, 2016


It seems like I did the fish room juggle just the other week. Some times I do a couple tanks to make room for a sick, injured or brooding mom. Today I did a 4 tank juggle.

On the left are 31 Red Top Zebra fry and on the
right is my Yellow Lab mom - holding
To begin with I moved my largest fry 31 Red Top Zebra from their 30 gallon grow-out into an empty 10 gallon. They will be going this weekend so downsizing them for a couple days shall be fine. In that tank I also had a three other Cichlids. 1 Eye Biter (Compressiceps) and 2 Fairy.(Brichardi)

These three Cichlids I moved to my 55 gallon juvenile community. They seem to fit in well and are swimming freely exploring their new surroundings. Juvenile Cichlids are much more at ease than the adults. The take a look and off they go to play.. just like kids.

Far Left - Auratus and Dragon Blood fry
Middle - Red Top Zebra, Albino Red Zebra and Dolphins
The small brooding tank ready for the next mom.
Once that was done I moved my fry from my 20 gallon grow-out to the 30.That group is about 6 weeks old now. There are 61 Red Top Zebras, 4 Blue Dolphin, and 10 Red Albino Zebras. This was a great move. This group can stay in this tank for 2-3 months without me having to move them again!

Next I moved my 3wk old fry from the 10 in to my 20 grow-out. They look pretty little in that big tank but now they will be there for 2-3 months. Giving them lots of room really does promote growth. In this group there are 25 Auratus and 40-50 Dragon Blood fry. That's an estimate.


1- Brooding tank Yellow Lab holding
2- Brooding tank holding 31 fry to go Saturday
3- Brooding tank ready for next mom
4- 20 gl holding Auratus and Dragon Blood fry
5- 30gl holding Red Top Zebra, 10 Red Albino Zebra and 4 Dolphins

I have another 3 moms in my show tanks holding. They are a Yellow Lab, Elongatus and not sure of the third ones name. I'll have to decide who I will strip and who gets the tank and which fry I want to keep. Lot's to think about.

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