May 20, 2016


Making my rounds this morning everyone in my Little Fish Room looks great. I'm going to have to post fish for sale as I'm going to be needing a tank free soon. The tiny fry in my 10gl are small but many and growing fast. They will be needing a bigger tank in the near future.There are approximately 75 fry in that 10gl so as you can imagine they will be needing room to grow.

Yellow Lab mom is holding well developing quite a nice size buccal cavity. Today she's 11 days in. I have to decide within the next week whether to strip her or let her go. I seems lately with the way my females are breeding I don't have the luxury of letting them spit on their own.

Kenny - My little papalyzed Kenyi is doing much better. Over the weekend I will be able to move him back to the community tank. He's eating well and swimming so much better I think he's ready. Looking at my 75gl this morning, my Soulosi is concerning me. I will probably isolate her in a 10gl feed her peas, do an epsom salt treatment and watch her a day or two. I think it's just bloat but am not really sure on that.

I noticed I have a new mom holding this morning in my new 40gl community. She's a small Elongatus Mpanga. I'm really excited about her holding. I just picked those fish up last weekend. Mating is a wonderful indication that they are happy in their new home. I'll be moving her out at the 10 day mark. It's her first time and it's important to allow her to bond with the whole holding/mom thing. After the 10 days usually they mother-bear instinct kicks in and she's less likely to spit her fry.

As for my juvenile community - they look awesome, eat well, blend well with each other and all of them look healthy. Their 55gl home is my joy right now. I love to watch their interactions, mini displays of dominance and character traits all developing as their colours do. It's amazing to watch.

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