May 5, 2016


As I was doing my rounds this morning - all my Cichlids in the fish room were looking good. I did find a fry in the playpen with my newest holding female. I removed her for the simple reason, she needs to eat with the other fry as I won't be feeding this mom for a bit yet. All the new moms look as comfortable as they can. I will be moving the last fry from a 10-20 gallon tank hopefully by next week. I have twenty- two 1.5-2" fry to sell yet. I may have to look into taking them to this auction I have heard about. (12 Red Top Zebras, 6 Yellow Labs,4 OB Peacocks)

My show tanks looked great as well. I always check the juveniles first and feed them. I love feeding them because they are in a frenzy even so young. Finally I feed and check on my 75 gallon. The fish looked hungry as usual but I did notice one of my Yellow Labs is holding again. This is attempt #3. I'm just going to let her be and have them in the tank. The last couple times she ate or swallowed her eggs. I'll just keep a close eye on her.

I don't like moving 1st timers before 9-10 days in unless they are being attacked or looking too stressed out. If she is still holding at that time then I will consider moving her. Leaving them in the community is best for a new mom. Having eggs in her mouth is just a foreign feeling and over the first week or so she basically bonds with the feeling of babies in her mouth. I think too, during this time her protective instincts are established and she begins to know these are hers and nobody can have them.

Her timing is pretty good actually. I will be stripping my Auratus female in about 7 days so I'll have her 10 gallon tank ready for the Yellow Lab if she's still holding at that point. If I am stripping I put the little fry into a playpen usually for two weeks. This seems to give them the best start in life. The area is small relevant to their size making it easier for them to find the food I give them rather than hunting over a whole ten gallons for food. Plus I hate to waste an entire 10 gallon tank on possibly only a handful of fry. 

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