May 13, 2016


The last couple days I've been watching my male Kenyi in my African Community tank. He was just fine the other day. In fact I have him on video swimming around happy as a clam. Yesterday he was acting as if he's paralyzed. He only swims using his pectoral fins and not his tail at all.

Asking for advice as I often do online at forums, on Youtube or other sites it was suggested to me that he may have a bladder issue. It was told to move him into an isolation tank, treat the water with Epsom salts, turn up the heat to 84 degrees and not feed him for a couple days.

I did as suggested and now I'll just wait and hope he improves. When I do feed him he will have shelled peas for a day or two. This is how kind and caring the Cichlid community is. People willing to help each other out all in the name of these wonderfully fascinating fish.

I really appreciate all the help I get and certainly try to help where I can as well.

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