May 23, 2016


Yesterday I stripped my Yellow Lab mom. I left her in the tank and put her fry in a little breeder box in the top corner of the tank. They seemed younger than the recorded age. The fry still had small eggs sacks. I decided I'd put a bubbler into the box with them just to keep a little motion. I sat and watched them for at least 30 minutes and then anytime I was upstairs I'd check on them. The bubbler was keeping them moving and they swam around as well. I was happy they were looking so good.

This morning I go in to check on them. Out of 17 fry this first time mom had there were only 5 left in the breeder box. Whaaaat?? Yup that's what I said. I looked into the tank. It looked like mom was holding again. Strange or what? There is no way they could get out themselves. There are little slits in the bottom of the breeder box and the only thing I can figure is that mom sucked them through the slits. I can't see how she could do that without hurting them. I decided to give her the remaining 5 fry back. Within seconds she had them picked up and looked quite content. She was holding again.

I had fed her after I stripped her but she didn't eat anything. I can still see the pellets I gave her sitting on the sand. Well, she's certainly stumped me. I had my RedTop Zebra do the same thing. The breeder box tipped and she grabbed all her babies back. I left her to spit after that. I guess I'll leave the Yellow Lab to spit on her own now. I'm really curious if she will have any, five or more. I just don't know what to think. Interesting to say the least.

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