I stripped her on May 12th. I have her fry in a playpen in one of my grow-out tanks. They are doing amazingly well and have already grown. I really love raising fry. I have two other moms holding in 10gl tanks and the third 10gl is an isolation tank for a sick Cichlid. The females that are holding are a Yellow Lab and a Dragon Blood. I'm excited about both of those broods. The Lab has held twice before but lost them within a couple days. Very disappointing. This time she's doing really good. Since it will be her first successful brood I will let her do it all on her own.She bred with my Red Zebra on May 7th. I'm looking forward to seeing what the babies look like.

The Dragon Blood was holding until today. It just made better sense for me to strip her. If I had more small tanks I would have let her go. I didn't know for sure when she bred because when I got her she was already holding. From the look of her development I put her at about 2-3 days in. Today was at the least 16 days. I didn't want to risk her spitting only because it's much more difficult to catch tiny fry than you can possibly imagine.
I have the Auratus fry in a playpen and I put the Dragon Blood fry in another playpen. I will give them a week or so in the playpen giving mom time to recuperate and the fry to grow a little. Then I'll be putting the Auratus fry and the Dragon Blood fry together in the vacated 10gl. They will be fine in the 10gl for a couple weeks and I'll get the oldest fry (3 months) sold so I can move this double group into the 30 grow-out in about a month.

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