May 22, 2016


Finally my little Kenyi whom I call Kenny was healthy enough to return to his community. Being away for a whole week I was hoping they would welcome him back. After a few hours it was evident that he was being picked on. He started hiding in the corners and keeping to himself. After being isolated for a week I felt so bad for him. We went through a lot to get him back to health. I took him back out of the community tank and moved him into my juvenile community.

About a month ago I moved another Cichlid that was being picked on into the juvenile tank to heal for the same reason. He did wonderful and I just returned him along with 3 other Cichlids. It's always better to introduce 3-4 at a time so the focus is distributed and no one Cichlid takes all the abuse. Al as I call the Albino that I just returned is like a new fish. He's taken control of the tank and is doing awesome. It's hard to believe he is the same fish as he was a month ago.

Kenny now in the juvenile community is doing wonderful. Yes he's ruling the tank but he's not mean. He just likes to chase a bit and show some dominance. In the few hours he was in his 75 gallon community his tale was quite shredded. I'll keep him in the juvenile 55 gallon to heal and longer if he needs it. There's no rush in returning him.

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