May 18, 2016


I had to do some re-arranging in my Little Fish Room. I was moving a some fry. My oldest fry are 3 months. There are 30 Red Top fry that are ready to go. In that tank I also had some RedxRed Albino Zebras that were the same age but growing much slower, so I was moving them into the fry tank holding the fry that were a 2 months. Also in that tank I had a female Electric Blue that was holding but she spit most of her fry and lost them early on. I've been watching her. She hasn't been eating so I was thinking she must still be holding a few. During all this shuffling I caught her and as I did she spit 5 fry out. They still had eggs sacks. I put her in a playpen with these few babies hoping she would pick them up again. This morning they were dead. I returned mom to the community tank and hope she'll breed again soon. At least I know she's capable. I was sad for the loss as I am with any loss.

Next I moved my Dragon Blood mom back to the community and cleaned her tank up for my newest fry. She had at 40-50 and I had 25 Auratus fry that I was moving into the vacated tank. These two groups were only a few days apart so they would be fine together.

In another month I'm hoping my oldest fry will be gone and I'll use their 30gl grow-out for these young fry. In my 20gl grow-out I now have about 40 RedTop Zebras and the 10 RedxRed Albino Zebras. They are about 1" and growing fast.


10gl - isolation sick Kenyi
10gl - brooding Yellow Lab
10gl - 1 week old fry (Auratus & Dragon Blood)
20gl - 2 month old fry (RedTop Zebra & RedxRed Albino Zebra)
30gl - 3 month old fry (RedTop Zebra)

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