February 2, 2016


I'm sure the days are passing slowly for Stella now. It's now the over two weeks of no food. She is still maintaining a healthy appearance. She's not thin yet which makes me think "Are my Cichlids over weight?" I'm happy she's doing well. I did have a problem yesterday. Her water temperature is usually 75 degrees but when I checked it was down closer to 70! I felt her heater and it felt cold even though it was still set right. On further inspection I realized it was unplugged. It's important to adjust their water temperature slowly as they do not like radical changes. The tank temperature is not good. I'm sure Stella is happier. I just hope this has no ill effects on poor her.

I set up my second brooding tank today for my newest holding female. I didn't think she was so far along until I saw pictures dated over a week ago where she is clearly holding then already. I did a water change in my 55 gallon community tank that she was in. I removed all the decor and removed 15 gallons of water just so I could catch her. She was feisty! She is enjoying the peace in her brooding tank. The water change was a little early but it's all good.

I had a Pleco in Stella's brooding tank but removed him today. She was getting pretty nasty to the poor thing. The Pleco is now in my second brooding tank with the Chipokae female. She is doing well; other than checking the Pleco out she doesn't bother with him.

Today Stella released a few of her fry. They are doing great and are pretty big. I'm so happy she's doing such a good job. I watched her for a while staying close to her fry but not letting anymore out. After a few minutes she sucked the little ones back up. I'm sure we will be seeing them more often now. From what I have read, Stella is releasing her fry a little earlier than most. Seeing that they are a good size and active I'm not concerned.