February 2, 2016


This morning as every morning I sat and watched my African Cichlids while they ate. Even during meals times there are definite displays of respect to the dominant male and his 2nd.
Male M,Auratus

I must have sat there for a good half hour just watching, learning, being amazed and laughing as well. How can fish make you laugh right? Well mine do.

I have I male and two female M Auratus. They are on the more aggressive side of the Malawi Cichlids. They are the most fun to watch though. My male has been flirting with his ladies shivering and shaking like nobodies business. His shiver-shake is so pronounced it looks like he's having a ceisure. He chased the one female - poor thing. They began to play hide and seek. It was so funny. The female would hide in a crevice and he would swim by. As soon as he passed she quickly ducked into another nook. When he spotted her the chase was on again - until she lost him. They are an species for sure.

Female M.Auratus