February 9, 2016


I planned on moving Stella to a recuperation tank for a week or so before she goes back into my community tank. She's very aggressive when she seems me watching her. She lunges at the glass even if I'm standing 3 feel away. I needed to fix the air-stone in the tank and she bit me a few times. She has sharp little teeth! It didn't hurt but I could feel the bites. I was quick about it to cause he the least amount of stress. The fry are so smart. As soon as they detect movement or commotion they *Poof* disappear.

Once the recuperation tank was ready for her, I moved Stella. It was clearly apparent that she was not happy. She dashed around the tank in a frenzy. I'm sure she was searching for her fry. I turned the light off and left her to settle in.

The fry tank looks empty as the wee ones are in hiding. When I leave the room
they all come out. I've been watching them and they are eating fine. They come out when I'm not in the room. As soon as they see me they dash for cover.

After a few hours of Stella being in the new location I checked on her. Wow she was ticked off. She had plants dug up, the substrate cast all over and my moss ball was annihilated. Her colour is dark and she really looks grumpy. I don't think she will need to stay in that tank more than a few days. She's eating ok but I think she needs her community to cheer her up.