February 16, 2016


It's a busy day in my 55 gallon tank today. As I fed my Cichlids I watched closely and both holding Chipokae are eating. Tiny bits but definitely eating. One female should be spitting her fry out in the next couple days. The other one is not quite as far along. I'm hoping that at least a couple of their fry survive but being first timers they will have small broods and probably not be as diligent as a mature mom would be. I'm hoping they learn fast.

Stella is back in my AC community tank as well. She's once again caught the eye of Bubba her broods poppa. He's shivering and shaking to beat the band. I love watching their interaction. It's like she's playing hard to get and making him work for her affections. There are other pairs going at it as well. It's amazing how well they move the gravel when excavating their homes. 

My Fry look great and I swear I can see them growing in front of my eyes. They are less skittish everyday as well. At first when I fed them I'd wiggle my fingers in the water to send bits of food down to them as they hang mostly mid to low tank. This morning I decided they can come up, or wait until it starts to sink.

SA Cichlids look great. I have plans to move them into my 55 gallon tank that's not setup yet. A friend gave it to me but it needs a cabinet built. I have ideas for that. Presently it is home to my pond fish which will be going back outside as soon as the weather permits it.

Finally the isolated Cichlid and Cat Fish are doing good. Hopefully in the next few days I'll start to see a weight gain and be able to return him to the community.