February 13, 2016


In my 55 gallon African Cichlid tank I have 25 Cichlids. A collection of Blue and Red Zebras, Yellow Labs, Peacocks, Chipokae, Electric Blues and Bumble Bees, 1 Bristle Nose Cat Fish and two Plecos pretty much round out this tank. It's a peaceful community with virtually no displays of aggression. They are breeding well and all  the fish are looking healthy and happy.

I do not consider this tank over-stocked. I do however plan on doubling my Cichlid population. My filtration system is a Marineland 350 which handles up to 75 gallons. As long as your filter can handle the waste you should be fine. Along with that you must do weekly 20-30% water changes and water tests as well. When I increase the population I will also increase the filtration. I will add more fish in groups of 10 each week - at least that's my plan. It's better to introduce a group to a new community rather then just a couple at a time as they will meld in rather than be targeted as a newbie and risk injury.

I'm looking forward to making my "wanted" list and decide on species as well. Of course my greatest desire is to add lots of colour. When purchasing new fish I like to buy juveniles so they have time to adjust to their new home and do a little growing before they start breeding. The problem with that is, you really can't see their vibrant colours until they are older, so you are basically going by pictures they post on the tanks. It's also difficult to purchase by gender as they are difficult to sex when they are smaller.

When they do breed I allow the females 7-10 days in the community tank before I move them to a brooding tank. At present I have 2 females brooding; one has spit out her fry and is recuperating for a few days before rejoining her community. She will be going back this weekend when I do my next water change. I also have a newly holding female that will be moved to a brooding tank this weekend once Stella vacates the tank she's in.  It may have to wait until Monday as this weekend seems to be pretty busy for us.