February 7, 2016


This is Stella in a 10 gallon brooding tank. She is on her 19th day and has already been releasing her fry daily for short periods. They are a wonderful size and she's doing a great job. She still attempts to gobble them up but she's struggling as there are 37+ fry at last count.

In this video you will see as she swims by her fry, they school up looking to her for protection. They try to swim around her mouth seeking safety. As I put my finger up to the glass you will see her display aggression towards me. I don't want to stress her out but it's amazing to see her protective instincts kick in.

I'll be moving her into another tank to recuperate after her 20ish days of not eating. After a week or so she will be stronger and ready to return to her community. I have another brooding female that will need to be moved into a maternity tank as soon as Stella vacates hers.