This morning I was checking my Cichlids and feeding them. The fry are doing great in their new tank. They are becoming less skittish as I near the tank. I have been feeding them 3-4 times a day. They have been eating a combination of Blood worms, crushed Cichlid flakes and freeze dried shrimp. The way they dart about it's pretty cool to watch. As small as they are I can see their stripes.
South American 40 gallon tank is doing good as well. Although the water is still not crystal clear the fish look good. I'll give it another day and if the water doesn't clear I'll treat it.
This little guy looks too thin so he's in isolation to fatten up. |
In my 55 gallon I noticed a Pleco half eaten. I was really surprised I think I've been over-feeding this tank. I removed the Pleco "shell" which is pretty much all that was left. As I continued to watch I noticed my Bristle Nose Cat Fish has been nibbled on as well. He doesn't look as frisky as he did so I removed him along with another Cichlid that looks too thin. I've been watching this little guy for a few days. He's not getting much food because he's shy and hangs around the bottom. They other Cichlids eat the food before it even makes it to the substrate. He was very easy to catch which also indicates he's not doing so good. I moved him into my isolation tank with the Cat Fish so they can regain their strength, gain weight and get better.
10 Gallon isolation tank - 1 Cichlid bottom left corner and 1 Bristle Nose Cat Fish - somewhere? |