February 1, 2016


My African Cihlids are so amazing. I can sit and watch them for hours and never get bored. I can see a hierarchy within the tank. It's very cool to watch the fish establish a pecking order within their community. For the most part they get along fairly well. There's been a little more chasing than usual but I have 3 males digging up the substrate creating brooding areas so I'm thinking there's some romance going on.

I use flag stones to created my rock caves, nooks and hiding places. When I'm across the room, as I watch the tank, it looks like there are maybe a dozen fish in there. When I walk up to the tank it's crazy. All the Cichlids come out of hiding places and it's pandemonium. I like to think they are all just so happy to see me, until I noticed they greet anyone who walks up to the tank. Ha! They want food that's all...