I'm happy to see my Cichlids using the pineapple houses I made. I see many going in and out. One of my holding moms keeps hanging close to the small one. From time to time she's in there poking her head out. I'm not sure if she will spit her fry in there as they need to eat and it would be easier for them to find food out among the rocks hiding. She will be spitting soon. I can see how dark her under-jaw is and it's moving - wiggling with babies. Today I watched her for a while and saw her eating. I have a feeling she's taking the food in for her young not herself. I can't imagine how she would be able to swallow with her mouth so full. I'm excited to she how she does as a mom because this is her first brood. It would be nice for a few to survive but I'm not holding my breath. Leaving her in the community tank is what I decided I would do with all my first time brooders.

Stella another of my girls last bred on January 20th, spit on February 8th. I removed her then for a week of recuperation before returning her to the community tank. She bred again yesterday. Bubba was continually dancing for her so I didn't think it would be long before she was holding again. She looks good and healthy so I'm sure she'll do fine. Her last brood of 69 fry are down to 67 but doing really well. Growing like weeds. I don't imagine she will produce that many being so close to her last spawn but we'll see. I will move her into one of my brooding tanks an another week or so. Then again I will let her recuperate for a week following spitting.
In the video below is Stella's brood. This video was taken a few days ago. I can not believe how quickly they are growing. They are eating crushed cichlid flakes and sometimes some brine shrimp. I've been feeding them 3-5 times a day. Pretty much anytime I'm up stairs I'll stop and watch them and of course feed them.

Stella another of my girls last bred on January 20th, spit on February 8th. I removed her then for a week of recuperation before returning her to the community tank. She bred again yesterday. Bubba was continually dancing for her so I didn't think it would be long before she was holding again. She looks good and healthy so I'm sure she'll do fine. Her last brood of 69 fry are down to 67 but doing really well. Growing like weeds. I don't imagine she will produce that many being so close to her last spawn but we'll see. I will move her into one of my brooding tanks an another week or so. Then again I will let her recuperate for a week following spitting.
In the video below is Stella's brood. This video was taken a few days ago. I can not believe how quickly they are growing. They are eating crushed cichlid flakes and sometimes some brine shrimp. I've been feeding them 3-5 times a day. Pretty much anytime I'm up stairs I'll stop and watch them and of course feed them.