June 24, 2016


I did a water change on my 40 gallon tank that holds the cichlids I plan on selling. Before I got started I noticed a cichlid was holding. She is a Red Albino Zebra. I just assumed that she bred with another Albino because I have four in that tank. The males and females look identical so unless you vent them you can't tell one from the other.

A little while later I noticed a Yellow Lab in the same tank holding. I watched for a few minutes and along came her partner. There are five Yellow Labs in this tank but she chose to breed with an OB Zebra! I decided I would let them finish and do my water change in the morning.

I went ahead and did the water change on my 75 gallon. I thought I would change the hardscape up a bit and only placed rocks here and there. None of them touching so the fish could swim between them. Within an hour my tank was a mess. Stones were tilted and big holes were dug. GAH! My cichlids just want their caves and swim throughs back. I removed the rocks and rescaped the tank again just to their liking. It's amazing how happy they seem when they have it set like they want. I spoil my cichlids.

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